How Can EFT Help Inner Child Healing?

How Can EFT Help Inner Child Healing?

EFT tapping  involves using our fingers to tap on specific meridian points on the face and body.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is effective because unhealed emotions can get trapped in our body.

‘ The physical body stores the trapped emotions when wounding occurs’ (The Body Keeps the Score by Dr Bessel Van der Kolk)

Many people report experiencing the same repetitive themes of abandonment and rejection in their relationships. By peeling off the layers to determine the root cause of their issues, we often discover that these issues stem from their past – primarily in childhood. As a result, we are led to working on healing the inner child.

Using EFT,  we can work on releasing the range of emotions and bodily sensations by visualising the tapping on the various meridian points of our inner child. For example,  “little Beth”, “little Amy” etc whilst we tap on our very real ‘adult’ bodies, until emotions subside.

EFT tapping is helpful for restoring safety and calm to a frightened inner child before any cognitive processing can be made more easily.  We can then work on helping her process her thoughts. Broadly, this covers reparenting and guiding her with setting boundaries, clarifying values and letting go of beliefs that no longer serve her.

Through EFT tapping, the inner child starts to feel lighter, calmer, more free and supported. Due to a belief change, she is also a lot more empowered.

Healing the wounds of your inner child is essentially working on self-love.

For those who are going through depression, an inability to manage their emotions or have insecurity issues about themselves, self-love work that incorporates inner child healing offers powerful shifts.

Inner child work with EFT and energy healing has proven to be therapeutic, powerful and effective. We are working on addressing the root causes to your issues. Benefits include…

– Anxiety reduction.
– Foster greater self-love.
– Improved self-confidence and esteem.
– Better relationships with loved ones.
– Improved financial well-being and breakthroughs.
– Enhanced ability to reach goals.
– Greater sense of empowerment.

Would you like to explore EFT tapping for your inner child? Or have deep-rooted anxiety, codependent, ptsd, ptsd, self-esteem, trust or confidence issues?

Contact me if you’d like to find out more about working safely together!

Andrea x

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