Welcome! From Me (and My Inner Child)

Welcome to The Healing Nest.

My name is Andrea Clark.

I have gone from codependent and broken after years of toxic relationships and friendships, to now helping others to heal.

I was severely codependent; a magnet for attracting narcissistic and toxic personalities into my life.

I’ll be talking a lot on this site about ‘Inner child’ and ‘shadow work’ so if you are new to it, I just wanted to introduce myself and give you a little background on what this is, and how it has helped me.

I am a trauma and abuse survivor who has spent most of my life using metaphorical ‘sticking plasters’ to avoid a pain I didn’t even know I had.

I have been addicted to spending, to toxic bullying ‘friends’ and abusive relationships, to alcohol, cocaine, and much more..

I was a people-pleaser. Completely codependent on anyone who would have me. Becoming more and more used to betrayal, and abuse, and internalising it as ‘it must be me’, ‘there’s something wrong with me’, ‘I deserve it’.

Finally, stuck in yet another abusive relationship, completely addicted to yet another narcissist, spiralling out of control, drinking to numb the pain, I reached rock bottom.

I remember showing up to my first healing session full of doubts and questioning whether it will work. I really needed help. My world turned upside down, I had completely lost myself and my identity. I did not have any self-worth or self-esteem. I had reached a point in my life where I said enough is enough.

It’s a cliché but it’s so true that when you reach rock bottom, the only way is up. So I went on a mission to change my life.

And now I want to help you too.

Have you ever:

  • Seen a grown adult throw a tantrum over something seemingly trivial?
  • Watched a friend in her 50s dissolve into tears because of something someone else has said or done?
  • Wondered what causes ‘road rage’?
  • Started an argument with your partner over something seemingly trivial and not understood why you are so upset?
  • Literally begged a friend/partner not to leave you? It’s more common than you may think!

Did you know that triggers are an indication that you have a wounded inner child?

A wounded inner child doesn’t have access to the adult self reality, where you would be in your 30s/40s/50s, but is operating from your traumatic mind and have been disconnected from your reality. 

If you have a wounded inner child, you can struggle with:

  • Inability to connect with others
  • Lack of self-worth
  • Codependency
  • Abandonment wounds
  • Relationship anxiety or issues
  • Triggers
  • Having big feelings about small things
  • Self-sabotaging behaviours
  • Unhealthy coping mechanisms. … 
  • A difficult relationship with your family. … 
  • Self-criticism and low self-esteem. … 
  • Mental, physical and emotional issues.

For me today, the connection with my inner child has offered me the most in-depth and powerful sense of wholeness. I have finally found ‘me’.

Please get in touch to find out how I can help you.

Dedicated to your success, greatness, and healing.

Andrea x

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