How Is Your Attachment Style Affecting Your Relationship?


According to most psychological estimates, around 90-95% of our mental activity is considered subconscious, meaning only a small percentage (5-10%) is consciously accessible. Most of our daily decisions, habits, feelings, emotions and behaviours are driven by our subconscious mind. The subconscious stores a vast amount of information, including memories, beliefs, and learned patterns.  Which is …

Emotional Intelligence vs Emotional Maturity


  Do you understand the difference between emotional intelligence and emotional maturity? In a nutshell, emotional intelligence refers to the understanding of emotions, while emotional maturity is the act of applying that knowledge. Emotionally intelligent people understand how to handle tough situations without unnecessarily escalating them. Emotional maturity focuses on our emotional history, beginning with …

The Johari Window

Johari Window

A Johari window, created by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955, is a psychological tool used for self-awareness, personal development, improving communications and interpersonal relationships. The model provides a simple visual reference for examining your personality, and for improving understanding between individuals. The Open Area represents the things that you know about yourself and that others know …