Do You Keep Attracting Emotionally Unavailable Partners?


  An emotionally unavailable person is typically seen as someone who has a fear or block to sharing their emotions, and feelings. They delay making plans, don’t really want a label to the relationship, can’t commit, are inconsistent, they lead you on, or worse. They can be emotionally abusing you (gaslighting, stonewalling, lying). They likely …

When Trauma And Pain Show Up As Crazy In Relationships

When Trauma And Pain Shows Up As Crazy In Relationships

My daughter asked me recently where the term ‘bunny boiler’ comes from. I laughed, as I recalled Glenn Close’s psychotic character in ‘Fatal Attraction‘ and how, after the huge success of the film in the 80s, any female who demonstrated a glimmer of insecure behaviour was labelled a bunny boiler,  relating to the scene where …

What is self-regulation, and why is it important?

Self-regulation is how we cope with certain emotional behaviours and physical movements during stressful situations. Self-regulation is the skill that helps individuals stay focused and attentive during times of stress. Our ability to self-regulate as an adult has roots in our childhoods. Learning how to self-regulate is an important skill that children learn both for …

What are the 10 ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and how can they affect us as adults?

Adverse Childhood Experiences

  Imagine this. You are waiting outside the shopping centre for a friend or family member to pick you up, but they don’t arrive. Minutes turn into an hour, and you have no mobile phone. How would you be feeling? Slightly anxious? Worried about your friend/relative? Wondering whether to leave and find another way home, …

Emotionally Immature Parents (Identifying, healing from and recognising if you are one)

Emotionally Immature Parents

Emotional maturity is the ability to recognise, express, and control one’s own emotions while being able to empathise and respond to the emotions of others. It sounds simple, but many people can only see from their own ‘frame of reference’. They haven’t learnt to take a pause, and consider what is going on for others. …

Are You Emotionally Immature?

Are You Emotionally Immature?

  Emotional maturity is defined by the ability to manage our emotions and take full responsibility for our actions. Emotional immaturity can be the result of insecure attachments in childhood, unresolved trauma, or mental health issues. If you have problems communicating your needs, controlling your reactions, regulating your emotions, or are defensive and hyper-sensitive to criticism, …